Advaita Vedanta and psychiatry

 If you suffer from schizophrenia or other psychiatric disorders reality may overlap one another reality.  What is the real reality? In fact, Consiousness never exclude one truth from another: each observation is equally true. The observed reality with the greatest common divisor is seen as reality.  That reality can be quite different from your own inner reality. That doesn't need to be a problem as long as you're not  hurting  or damaging yourself or another.
 If you experience a reality where you suffer from much anxiety, you don't take the correct stance. Just don't believe believe this frightening reality. That's quit easy to say, but you can tell yoursel this:  Frightening experiences come and go, they are subject to change.Thát, in where these experiences occur,  Consciousness, is empty and free. (Note: to choose to believe or not to believe is really not a choice, but a training of your mind to divert your attention.)
Do you have an experience where you are delirious with joy: enjoy it. This too will pass. Thát , in which this experience took place,  Consciousness, is empty and free. The pitfall is that you believe your comments on what you perceive. The conflict starts when you start saying: ""I see signs, so I have the power ...."" The output is that you train to become  aware of this kind of thinking and finally let this kind of thinking pass by. There's nothing you can do. Just let it pass by.
 Attention to a healthy and rested body is of great importance. Structure and a sober view is the basics: get up, eat your breakfast, work, eat and sleep. Spiritual experiences can get you so off balance if you do not see how and in what way you're traumatized. Therefore it is not always good to search for spiritual experiences and constantly meditate.  Only a stable healthy ego which discovered  the truth about itself will not panic. A traumatized or sick ego can possible see that he dreams itself, but this state of understanding is usually not permanent and can evoke fear and chaos.
 So the question remains: Is it necessary to have a stable personality to come to seeing through the Self?
 I say yes, although I  lie  a little bit. Because of the fact that you're self-consciousness (there is really no separation between you and Consciousness) is all the knowledge available. The pitfall is that a traumatized person can be extremely hurt  by a sudden panic and fear, because the personality is threatened again. If you understand who you really are,  your need to be  'someone'  will dissapear and so that 'someone' does not need to defend itself.  . A traumatized 'someone' must defend itself because it thinks that it is not healed.

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