
If I say of myself that I am enlightened then it must be true that you are too enlightened. Then it must be that the whole world is illuminated, it must be that I am equal to the other, my environment. I am equal to anything I can perceive. I am the observer and what I perceive (the perceived). Lighting implies that there is no 'I' exists, that there is no separation between me and the world.
I am NOT separated from you, I am THAT in which you and I appear and disappear.
I am THAT which cannot be seen, I am  THAT which has no property, no owner, no possessions.
There is no contradiction between "I know and you do not know." There is no contradiction between 'I am awake and you sleep. " The whole idea of 'knowing something' knowledge or awakening are contradictions to maintain your suffering!
A teacher is named ' enlightened'  by you, you, who are separated and you who is looking for contradictions,  you who are looking for comfort and relief from your personal life.
A teacher keeps these apparent contradictions in his teaching position, at the same time he MUST do this because he HAS TO TEAcH, he MUST point to his self - and thus to you.To yourself.

Because I feel that you and the whole world is as enlightened as I am, I may as well argue that the term 'enlightenment' is an invention. There is no counter part of illumination. So it comes down to that it does not matter, it is not relevant to wonder whether enlightenment exists or not and whether a particular teacher or guru may or may not be enlightened.
Has enlightenment effect on your actions, your doings, your free will? If you see that you are the world itself, which you invent,  in the here and now, then it seems logical that 'seeing' has an effect on your actions and your emotions .
For everything you do, you do it to yourself, anything you perceive, is you. And so it seems as if  love appears, there seems to be violence. But this all is you!
 Then you would logically for the rest of your life be sweet to yourself, you is at the same time  the other? would you say you still want to hurt you? If you perceive violence as being yourself then you recognize the true nature of violence: you're both the offender and the victim.

Because I feel that you and the whole world is as enlightened as I am, I may as well argue that the term 'enlightenment' is an invention. There is no counter part of illumination. So it comes down to that it does not matter, it is not relevant to wonder whether enlightenment exists or not and whether a particular teacher or guru may or may not be enlightened.

Has enlightenment effect on your actions, your doings, your free will? If you see that you are the world itself, which you invent,  in the here and now, then it seems logical that 'seeing' has an effect on your actions and your emotions .
For everything you do, you do it to yourself, anything you perceive, is you. And so it seems as if  love appears, there seems to be violence. But this all is you!

 Then you would logically for the rest of your life be sweet to yourself, you is at the same time the other? would you say you still want to hurt you? If you perceive violence as being yourself then you recognize the true nature of violence: you're both the offender and the victim.

But I go a step further: perpetrators and victims are both illusory. They appear as thoughts, it look like they appear outside yourself, but there is no 'outside'. If you actually see that perpetrators and victims are nothing but concepts to hurt you;  that you torment yourself with these concepts, this pain will not fascinate you anymore!  The fascination disappears.
 You can no longer identify yourself with it, the identification is released it. (This is different than deny it!)
 That means that you will define ‘suffering’ no longer as "suffering." Violence is no longer recognized as violence. A move is seen there but only love is recognized. The suffering is resolved.

Whether enlightenment effects your mind is actually an irrelevant question.
 to act, doing stuff(doer ship), wanting  (free will), the questions and answers

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